A case study

Navigating Trade Within A Tornado of Change


Last year, it was heavily rumoured that less than 20% of customs declarations within the United Kingdom contained correct information. This ranged from incorrectly declared Country of Origin, Tariff Classification or Mis-declared Unit Prices. CustomsPlus helped a major European temperature-controlled vehicle operator facing post-Brexit challenges, using AI and Machine Learning to automate document checks, ensuring accurate data and UK Import declarations.

The Problem

Recently, CustomsPlus was contacted by one of the largest operators of temperature-controlled vehicles in Europe. The Operator transports a variety of goods ranging from foods to pharmaceuticals.  To avoid customs complications importers sought to use alternative INCO terms, moving away from the previously used DAP terms to DDP terms. This change ensured the responsibility of the goods shifted away from the Importer of Record and now transferred to the responsibility of the Exporter.

The goal was to work with multiple teams based both in and outside of the European Union, to review data from January 1st 2021 to the present day (2023). During our discovery call, it was found there was an issue with an incorrect declaration that unfortunately had been copied, pasted and repeated for 2 years' worth of trade.

The Solution

We recommended our customer remove the multiple brokers that were causing headaches for the customs team. It proved difficult to manage, monitor, track and trace over 15 brokers who then outsourced the work to a third party.

Implementing a single-broker solution was the safest course of action to work in a hyper-care state with on-hand support as the customer worked towards an efficient and transparent workflow.

CustomsPlus was able to automate the workflow of document checking, with a series of business rulings ensuring the ability to flag incorrect data at the source. Accurate extraction of the export documentation allowed for the creation of accurate UK Import declarations with the removal of duplicated work/incorrect shipment information.

The Result

The organisation is now able to increase productivity output and efficiency levels while decreasing their labour costs. The introduction of automation has allowed employee’s to migrate towards more challenging roles within the company, in turn improving employee skillsets and overall job satisfaction levels.

Our client now coincides with their customers desired INCO terms while also meeting the data and fiscal requirements of UK Customs Authorities. Accurate duty amounts are paid based on the correct procedure, commodity code and country of origin. Therefore, enabling the UK importer to receive products under DDP terms and the Exporter to forestall customs penalties, fines and removal of the opportunity to import/export goods.